Parenting is a task that requires commitment and compromising. From the moment they are born, children need care and guidance. During their first years, we make all decisions for them and later on support them in making their own.

One of the first decisions mums must make concerns feeding. What’s the best way to nourish your baby? Should you choose breastfeeding or formula? This article features a comparison between these options.

The advantages of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding brings many benefits to babies and mums. After all, it’s the natural way to feed a new-born. The World Health Association recommends breastfeeding and so do many health professionals. Besides being safe and clean, it contains antibodies and nutrients. However, there are other options to choose from.

This is a controversial topic, but this shouldn’t be a concern. Each mum must feel comfortable expressing their opinions and choosing what’s right for their families. Next, you’ll find a list of pros and cons to formula and breastfeeding.

  • Cost-free
  • This may seem obvious and simple, but breastmilk is free. It’s in you, it has the right temperature and is available all the time. You may need to buy certain items, but it’s not the same as having to buy formula on a regular basis.

  • Bonding with your baby
  • Most mothers enjoy the proximity to their babies while breastfeeding. Also, this means mother and child have to spend more time together since the child depends on her milk. There is the option of bumping and feeding through a bottle, which can be administered by another parent or a caregiver. In this case, the baby gets the milk’s nutrients without skin-to-skin contact.

  • Healthy and smart babies
  • Breastmilk has antibodies that formula cannot reproduce. It’s a proven fact that breastmilk helps prevent infections and diseases. Some studies show interesting results regarding intelligence. Exclusively breastfed babies have shown a higher IQ than those fed with formula.

  • Less picky eaters
  • When the baby breastfeeds, he has a taste of everything the mum eats. This may help the child to become less picky with meals in the future.

  • Lose weight and prevent cancer

Breastfeeding brings benefits to mothers too. It helps burn calories and reduce the uterus size. Hence, mums can lose weight and recover their figure easier. Moreover, many studies show that breastfeeding helps to prevent breast cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Breastfeeding cons

Discomfort and other issues

Some women may feel pain or discomfort. There can be complications like sore nipples, mastitis, thrush, or clogged milk ducts.

Timing issues

Babies usually eat every two to three hours in the beginning. Some mums may need to return to work, in which case they can choose to pump. If you are planning to feed your baby only with breastmilk, then get ready because it will take time.

Lack of vitamin D

Breastmilk contains low levels of this vitamin. This is because our ancestors got vitamin D from exposure to sunlight. New-borns should get a Vitamin D supplement if they are fed only with breastmilk. This is not an issue with formula.

Strict diet

Mums need to be conscious of what they eat. They shouldn’t ingest alcohol, caffeine, or other substances that may harm the baby. Prescription drug intake must be consulted with a physician. This may be complicated if the mum suffers from health issues like depression, chronic illnesses, or other afflictions.

Benefits of formula feeding

Not all mums choose to breastfeed, and this is fine. Human beings are complex and need different things. Health is more than nutrients and antibodies. It’s about balance, enjoyment, wellbeing, and peace of mind. In this sense, there is nothing healthier than a happy mum.

The mother-child bond is strong and has its roots in the human physique. It goes beyond body contact and needs to be based on trust, comfort, and respect. The most important thing for a family is to build a peaceful environment where everyone can have a place.

For mums who choose formula feeding, we present its advantages.


Anyone can feed the baby with formula. Whether it’s the father, a grandparent or a babysitter, this option is more flexible. It gives the mum certain freedom that can be healthy for her state of mind. Going to work and focusing on personal goals can make mothers feel more comfortable with themselves and hence they’ll have more to offer emotionally. They don’t have to watch their diet either.

Time optimization

Formula is not digested as fast as breastmilk. This means babies are fed less frequently, which gives you more time in between.

Measure your baby’s intake

You can measure exactly how much milk your baby is having. This is important to assess his/her intake if necessary. For example, if issues arise.

Formula cons

No antibodies

No matter how much scientists research, they still haven’t been able to replicate breastmilk. Formula lacks antibodies that will help the baby fight infections and diseases.

High costs

This can be an expensive option. High-quality formula is costly, especially if your baby needs special options like soy-based products.

More complicated procedures

You’ll have to prepare the bottles, and then clean them and sterilize them. It’s important to make sure that the milk is at the right temperature.

Final thoughts on breastmilk vs formula

While breastmilk seems to have more advantages than formula, we must keep an open mind. Only the parents can decide what’s best for their families based on their conditions, environment, and possibilities.